we are committed

At Juniper we are committed to nurturing the spirit of life in each individual we serve so that they may live fully throughout all seasons of life. To us this means understanding an individual, not only their needs but their desires and responding with programs and services which provide for the highest quality of life possible. Our Alive in All Seasons program of activities is designed to foster healthy bodies, enriched minds and fulfilled spirits. These pictures and stories are living proof that we at Juniper are dedicated to walking our talk!

Monday, July 25, 2016

PB & J Fundraiser at Juniper Village is a HUGE success!

The lobby at Juniper Village at Naples was decorated in sparkling purple in anticipation of our 1st Peanut Butter and Jelly Fundraiser!   Peanut Butter and Jelly was being collected for the children of Collier County. During the school year, many children who cannot afford  lunch receive a free lunch - but during the summer months may have to go without.

Guests arrived toting jars upon  jars of PB & J! We then gathered for some creative appetizers all with a peanut butter and jelly theme- Guests enjoyed Peanut Butter & Sriracha chicken wings with a grape jelly dipping sauce, PB&J sushi rolls- a new twist on a PBJ sandwich! And we couldn’t forget the most delicious peanut butter cookies.

The generosity of our community was shown by the over 300 pounds of Peanut Butter and Jelly that was donated to the local Harry Chapin food bank.  

Friday, July 15, 2016

Father’s Day Celebration!

We all have special memories of our fathers and the intricate role they played in each and every one of our lives. Some of the words to describe our fathers would be love, honor, strength, positive role models, and as our best friend. We often tend to think of our father as our very own Superhero. To help honor these memories and create new traditions here at Juniper Village at Naples we honored father’s day with a Superhero themed Family Luncheon. Families gathered around the beautifully decorated tables in anticipation of a delicious lunch!  Our Chef Steven whipped up a warm hearty superhero shepherds pie, which filled our bellies with delight. Then WOWED our fathers with decadent molten lava cake. Our Superhero Father’s Day luncheon will definitely be a memorable tradition for our fathers.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

July 2016 Events in Naples, FL: Stand in Integrity

Ah...the good old summer time filled with lazy, sunny days, ice cold treats, Independence Day celebrations, and get-togethers at the beach. Another sure indication of summer is our Alive in All Seasons theme of Volunteerism.

July is the perfect month to honor all of the many volunteers who contribute thousands of hours of time in service to our communities. From our four-legged volunteers to those of the two legged variety we are proud to say we receive more than 10,000 hours of precious time each year. We simply could not do it without all of your help, and this month we honor you. We will also be promoting the spirit of volunteerism by volunteering our time to help others. If you have some spare time on your hands consider joining us for a volunteer activity or better yet volunteer your time with us, we’d love to have you. What qualities make a good volunteer? Energy, passion, flexibility, creativity, reliability, commitment and perhaps most important of all – integrity.

Volunteerism benefits all parties involved. In addition to making new friends, volunteering also helps increase your self-confidence, provides a sense of purpose, combats depression and helps you stay physically healthy. Helping others also kindles happiness, as the London School of Economics found the more people volunteered, the happier they were.

In addition to volunteering opportunities, plan to join us during July for our summer celebrations and share our thanks as we honor those who Stand In Integrity with us.

Our fabulous July 2016 events in Naples, FL at Juniper Village at Naples include our:

§  Patriotic Family Luncheon because Uncle Sam wants you to volunteer your time to come out and celebrate our country’s Independence, so wear your red, white and blue and bring your appetite too; we’ll have BBQ chicken, baked potatoes and other yummy picnic foods on July 6th from noon to 1:00 pm. (RSVP to 239-598-1368 by July 1st.)

§  Back to School Fundraiser to help the children of our future by donating school supplies please bring pencils, notebook paper, glue, pens, et cetera, and enjoy some light refreshments as all donations will be given to the local schools in Collier County on July 21st from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. (RSVP to 239-598-1368 by July 14th.)

§  Debbie and Friends Family Council “Compassionate Deception” Your Loved One’s Reality– it’s their world with Debbie Fulton of the Alzheimer Support Network will lead the discussion on how you can respond to your loved one, when their reality is not the present day on July 28th from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm. (RSVP to 239-598-1368 by July 21st.)

We look forward to sharing our July 2016 events in Naples, FL at Juniper Village at Naples with you as you Stand in Integrity.